You have landed on this page because you were looking for a product from us, which we no longer actively distribute. This does not mean, however, that we cannot help you further. Please contact us directly and we can discuss in a direct conversation which possibilities we can offer you. Thank you for your interest and understanding.
Your team from ZIEGLER Instruments GmbH
You have probably been looking for one of these products:
- Material Database
- Stick-Slip Shaker
- High-Power-Shaker for Components
- High-Power-Shaker for Vehicles
- Zoundlab Measuring Testing System
- Ocian Analysis Module
- Rion Products
- Acoustic Camera
- Softtec Haptic Hardness Tester
- Roughtec Haptic Roughness Tester
- Bendtec Flexural Rigidity Tester
or for one of these services:
- Squeak & Rattle Vibration
- Squeak & Rattle Elimination
- Squeak & Rattle Prevention
- Excitation Profiles
- Relative Movement